The current research is about amplifying and enhancing introvert ESL (English as a Second Language) learners’ vocabulary with assistance of extensive reading. In order to conduct this research student of one of the local institutes was selected, and various types of tests were designed and employed as data collecting tools. Pre and post-tests were implemented so as to identify results of the research. The results of the study shows that, utilizing extensive reading strategies as well as texts are not solely effective to improve introvert language learners’ vocabulary, but also beneficial to decrease high level of anxiety.

  • Read count 0
  • Date of publication 21-03-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages1164-1174.

The current research is about amplifying and enhancing introvert ESL (English as a Second Language) learners’ vocabulary with assistance of extensive reading. In order to conduct this research student of one of the local institutes was selected, and various types of tests were designed and employed as data collecting tools. Pre and post-tests were implemented so as to identify results of the research. The results of the study shows that, utilizing extensive reading strategies as well as texts are not solely effective to improve introvert language learners’ vocabulary, but also beneficial to decrease high level of anxiety.

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