Формирование приемов мыслительной деятельности алгоритмического типа, ориентированной на формально логический анализ задач, закономерно приводящей к выбору соответствующего конкретного способа решения, является необходимым, но недостаточным условием развития мышления. Необходимо интеллекта, дана характеристика каждой стадии в зависимости от ведущего вида мыслительной деятельности.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Kushnazarova Y.K. | student | Чирчикский государственный педагогический институт Ташкентской области |
№ | Name of reference |
1 | 1. Chomsky.N. and Halle.M.1968. The sound patterns of English. New York: Harpet |
2 | 2.Wells.T.C.2000 Yongman Pronunciation dictionary. Secnd Edition. Harlow: Yongman. |
3 | 3. Crutender.A.,1994. Gimson’s Pronunciation of English. Fifth edition of A.C.Gimson, Introduction to the pronunciation of English, London: Edvard Arnold. |
4 | 4. Makhmatkulov Kh.M. Types of Interference in English and Turkic Languages, Termez State University 2018, PP.298-299 |
5 | 5. Jabborova Onakhon Mannapovna. (2019). Psycholocial and pedagogical foundations of the formation of the artistic perception of students in secondary schools. European journal of research and reflection in educational sciences 7(10),9- 14 |
6 | 6. Kushnazarova Y.K. Some economic impliciationz for the nanoindustry. ”Экономика и социум” N(83)2021. |
7 | 7. Mardonov Sh.K., Jabbarova O.M.. Objectives of the lessons of visual arts in primary school. Academic research in educational sciences, Issue 3, 2020, pp 862- 870 |
8 | 8. Mardonov Shukurullo Kuldashevich, Khujamkulov Umid Negmatovich, Botirova Shakhlo Isomiddinovna, Shermatova Umida Safaevna.The end to educate young people with the spirit of patriotism in the context of globalization. Journal of Critical Reviews, Malaysia, 2020, Vol.7, Issue 12, pp 166-169. |
9 | 9. Mardonov Shukurullo Kuldashevich, Quttibekova Guljan Tulepbaevna. Structure and Mechanisms of Action of The Educational Cluster. International journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, United Kingdom, 2020, Issue 07, pp. 8104-8111. |
10 | 10. Jabborova Onakhon Mannapovna, Jumanova Fotima Uralovna, Mahkamova Shohida Rahmatullayevna. (2020). Formation of artistic perception of future teachers. International journal of pssycological and rehabilitation, 24(4), 4087-4095. |
11 | 11. Mamadaliyev K.R., Jabborova O.M., Umarova Z.A., Abdullaeva B.P. Creation of a New Generation of Teaching Literature - A Requirement of Modernity // SCOPUS International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Special Issue 1, 202 |
12 | 12. Жабборова Онахон Маннаповна, Ташпулатова Дилором Мукимовна, Бошланғич синф ўқитувчиларига қўйиладиган талаблар. Academic research in educational sciences, Issue 3, 2021, pp 575-582 |