The article examines the research competence of students, which includes a number of certain skills, the conditions for its formation, in the implementation of project activities in the learning process. Project activities are represented by the application of the project method in foreign language lessons. An attempt is made to systematize the similarities and differences between research and project activities in general, their goals, objectives and structure. The issue of the application of the project method in order to develop the research competence of students in foreign language lessons is considered.

  • Read count 215
  • Date of publication 21-03-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages1382-1387

The article examines the research competence of students, which includes a number of certain skills, the conditions for its formation, in the implementation of project activities in the learning process. Project activities are represented by the application of the project method in foreign language lessons. An attempt is made to systematize the similarities and differences between research and project activities in general, their goals, objectives and structure. The issue of the application of the project method in order to develop the research competence of students in foreign language lessons is considered.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Turobova M.. ESL teacher UzSWLU
Name of reference
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