This article discusses the materials used in wood carving, tools and their types. Cutter parts, cutting angles, description of the main elements of the machine are described
This article discusses the materials used in wood carving, tools and their types. Cutter parts, cutting angles, description of the main elements of the machine are described
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Abdirahmanov S. . | student | Termez State University |
2 | Turaev K.n. | student | Termez State University |
№ | Name of reference |
1 | 1. 1. Sh.Djumanov, S.Sayfiddinov “Woodworking machines and tools” Tashkent “Economy and Finance” 2016. |
2 | 2. 2. Maksudov YM and others. Dictionary of terms from woodworking technology T.Talqin 2004 |
3 | 3. 3. Khudaykulov A. V Woodworking machines. T> Teacher. 1983 |