This article provides a brief overview of the negative impact of oil waste, both on the environment and on the economic component of oil-extracting and refining enterprises, formed during the extraction, transportation, storage of oil and oil products, and methods of their disposal are also considered. The urgency of the problem of oil waste utilization is considered. The most effective solution to the problem by briquetting is proposed
This article provides a brief overview of the negative impact of oil waste, both on the environment and on the economic component of oil-extracting and refining enterprises, formed during the extraction, transportation, storage of oil and oil products, and methods of their disposal are also considered. The urgency of the problem of oil waste utilization is considered. The most effective solution to the problem by briquetting is proposed
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Gadoev B.S. | Assistan | Bukhara engineering-technological institute |
2 | Tursunov B. . | Assistant, | e Department "Technology of Gas Chemical Processing" of Bukhara Engineering and Technological |
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