In the second millennium BC, civilization was formed in ancient India, and the peoples living around the Ganges oasis began to switch to agriculture. From that time onwards, the ideological processes in Indian society were gradually changing. These changes are mainly observed in the fields of mathematics, logic, medicine and astronomy. Unlike mathematics, the science of logic was formed in India and was originally formed not as a science as a whole, but as an integral part of Indian philosophy. Therefore, Indian logic was formed in all philosophical schools. In particular, the logic of Nyaya differs from other philosophical schools

  • Read count 193
  • Date of publication 21-03-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages151-159

In the second millennium BC, civilization was formed in ancient India, and the peoples living around the Ganges oasis began to switch to agriculture. From that time onwards, the ideological processes in Indian society were gradually changing. These changes are mainly observed in the fields of mathematics, logic, medicine and astronomy. Unlike mathematics, the science of logic was formed in India and was originally formed not as a science as a whole, but as an integral part of Indian philosophy. Therefore, Indian logic was formed in all philosophical schools. In particular, the logic of Nyaya differs from other philosophical schools

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Madalimov T.. teacher Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region
Name of reference
1 1. K.K.Mittal. materialism in Indian Thouyht New Dehli, 1974, p.10
2 2. Aurobindo Sri. Birth Centenary library, vol.16, Pondichery, 1972, p.232.
3 3. Aurobindo Sri. The Future Evolution of man, The Divinasefeupron Earth. Madras – London, 1974, p.182
4 4. Gandi M. My religion. Ahmedabad. 1955. P.4.
5 5. Gandim.k. Truth is god. Ahmedabad, 1957, p.11.
6 6. Gandi. M.K. Messenger of god. Yong India 1919-1922. Madras, 1922, p. 1167
7 7. Tendulkar D.G. Mahatma, sife of Mohandas Karamchand Gandi 9n 8.nal, (6).6. Gandi. M.K. Messenger of god. Yong India 1919-1922. Madras, 1922, p. 1167
8 8. Radkhakrishnan S. occasional speeches and writings, series 3, july 1959/ may 1962, Delhi, 1963, p. 258-259