This article is devoted to help to learn English proverbs in the variants of Uzbek proverbs. The article demonstrates lexical translational peculiarities of English and Uzbek proverbs. The article also shows the similarities and differences between English and Uzbek proverbs. This research paper also can be useful to other students who are interested in this field, as there is given the list of the most often used proverbs in English with their Uzbek form.

  • Read count37
  • Date of publication21-03-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages546-550

This article is devoted to help to learn English proverbs in the variants of Uzbek proverbs. The article demonstrates lexical translational peculiarities of English and Uzbek proverbs. The article also shows the similarities and differences between English and Uzbek proverbs. This research paper also can be useful to other students who are interested in this field, as there is given the list of the most often used proverbs in English with their Uzbek form.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Komiljonova M.A. Master student Urgench State University
Name of reference
1 1. Archer Taylor (1931). “The proverb”. Harvard University Press.
2 2. Karamatova, K.M. Karamatov, H.S. (2002). “Proverbs, maqollar, пословицы”. Mehnat
3 3. Mirzayev, T. Musoqulov, A. Sarimsoqov, B. (2005). “Uzbek folk proverbs”. Sharq.
4 4. Rowland, Durbin. (1926). "The use of proverbs in beginners' classes in the modern languages". Modern Language Journal.
5 5. Obelkevich, James. (1994). "Proverbs and social history". In Wolfgang Mieder (Ed.) Wise Words. Essays on the Proverb. New York: Garland Publishing Inc
6 6. Mieder (Ed.) Wise Words. Essays on the Proverb. New York: Garland Publishing Inc., 297-316
7 7. Jennifer Speake. «The Oxford dictionary of proverbs». Oxford paperback reference.