Annotation: The article tells about the artistic interpretation in Odil Yakubov’s novel “The Old World” of the life and work of three historical figures who have left an indelible mark on world history – Abu Raikhan Beruniy, Mahmud Ghaznaviy and Abu Ali ibn Sino. Youth, the Middle Ages, the experiences of that time, depicted in the novel, the analysis of the image, his whole life, are reflected in the memoirs of the main characters, as if evenly distributed in the novel on 375 pages. The author of the article focuses on the fact that the novel consists of twenty-nine chapters, of which fourteen are devoted to comprehending the life and work of Abu Raikhan Beruniy, contradictions in the social and political life of the time of the great genius. It is noted that the writer, who allocated almost ten chapters to each main character of the work, moves the image of Beruniy into fourteen chapters of the work, in the events of three, four chapters the images of Beruniy, Ghaznaviy and Ibn Sino are presented in a “mixed” interpretation. There are other historical figures in the novel. Facts and textures are conveyed to the reader through the well-thought out ways of the creative laboratory of the People’s Writer of Uzbekistan

  • Read count 245
  • Date of publication 30-12-2021
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages84-91

Annotation: The article tells about the artistic interpretation in Odil Yakubov’s novel “The Old World” of the life and work of three historical figures who have left an indelible mark on world history – Abu Raikhan Beruniy, Mahmud Ghaznaviy and Abu Ali ibn Sino. Youth, the Middle Ages, the experiences of that time, depicted in the novel, the analysis of the image, his whole life, are reflected in the memoirs of the main characters, as if evenly distributed in the novel on 375 pages. The author of the article focuses on the fact that the novel consists of twenty-nine chapters, of which fourteen are devoted to comprehending the life and work of Abu Raikhan Beruniy, contradictions in the social and political life of the time of the great genius. It is noted that the writer, who allocated almost ten chapters to each main character of the work, moves the image of Beruniy into fourteen chapters of the work, in the events of three, four chapters the images of Beruniy, Ghaznaviy and Ibn Sino are presented in a “mixed” interpretation. There are other historical figures in the novel. Facts and textures are conveyed to the reader through the well-thought out ways of the creative laboratory of the People’s Writer of Uzbekistan


В статье рассказывается о художественном толковании в романе Одила Якубова «Старый мир» жизни и творчества трех исторических личностей, оставивших неизгладимый след в мировой истории, – Абу Райхана Беруни, Махмуда Газнави и Абу Али ибн Сино. Молодость, средние века, переживания того времени, изображенные в романе, анализ образа, вся его жизнь, отражены в воспоминаниях главных героев, как бы равномерно распределены в романе на 375 страницах. Автор статьи акцентирует внимание на том, что роман состоит из двадцати девяти глав, из которых четырнадцать посвящены осмыслению жизни и деятельности Абу Райхана Беруни, противоречиям в общественно-политической жизни времени великого гения. Отмечается, что писатель, выделивший каждому главному герою произведения почти десять глав, перемещает образ Беруни в четырнадцать глав произведения, в событиях трех, четырех глав образы Беруни, Газнави и Ибн Сино представлены в «смешанном» осмыслении. В романе есть и другие исторические личности. Факты и текстуры передаются читателю через хорошо продуманные способы творческой лаборатории народного писателя Узбекистана.

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