In the history of human civilization, there are individuals whose outstanding activities become part of the worldwide process of spiritual development. Their works embody all the most valuable of the previous experience, and they determine the movement of scientific thought and the spiritual culture of society for many centuries to come. To them belongs the Great Hadith collector Imam al-Bukhari. Theologians of the Muslim world, religious scholars and scientists honor the memory and works of the Great Muhandis. In 1998, in honor of the 1225th anniversary of Imam al-Bukhari, a complex of memorial, religious and spiritual enlightenment facilities was constructed in the Khartang village of the Paiarik district of the Samarkand region of Uzbekistan in the late 20th century. Honorary Professor of the University of KwaZulu-Natal (Durban of South Africa) Abul Fadl Mohsin Ebrahim - in his article " To the land of imam al-Bukhari " shares his impressions of hospitable Uzbek land, his participation in the 1st Congress on Bioethics in Tashkent, fulfilling his dream about visiting Imam Al Bukhari complex. In conclusion of his article, he expressed confidence that on the land of Uzbekistan, Islam will always be respected by its adherents. Indeed, Bukhara has been the capital of Islamic culture for several centuries. Not surprisingly, in the Muslim world, Bukhara firmly consolidated the epithets "Kubbatul Islam" and "Gumbazi Islam", which in Arabic and Farsi means "Dome of Islam". The fact that the city was recognized as the capital of Islamic culture, again confirms the outstanding contribution of this city and its scientists to the development of Islamic civilization. Although the content of the article didn't meet the academic status, the editorial board decided to publish it, as the author had presented deepest respect to the Uzbek nation in it.

  • Web Address
  • DOI10.26739/2181-9505-2018-1-9
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 06-11-2019
  • Read count 60
  • Date of publication 01-02-2018
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages91-103

In the history of human civilization, there are individuals whose outstanding activities become part of the worldwide process of spiritual development. Their works embody all the most valuable of the previous experience, and they determine the movement of scientific thought and the spiritual culture of society for many centuries to come. To them belongs the Great Hadith collector Imam al-Bukhari. Theologians of the Muslim world, religious scholars and scientists honor the memory and works of the Great Muhandis. In 1998, in honor of the 1225th anniversary of Imam al-Bukhari, a complex of memorial, religious and spiritual enlightenment facilities was constructed in the Khartang village of the Paiarik district of the Samarkand region of Uzbekistan in the late 20th century. Honorary Professor of the University of KwaZulu-Natal (Durban of South Africa) Abul Fadl Mohsin Ebrahim - in his article " To the land of imam al-Bukhari " shares his impressions of hospitable Uzbek land, his participation in the 1st Congress on Bioethics in Tashkent, fulfilling his dream about visiting Imam Al Bukhari complex. In conclusion of his article, he expressed confidence that on the land of Uzbekistan, Islam will always be respected by its adherents. Indeed, Bukhara has been the capital of Islamic culture for several centuries. Not surprisingly, in the Muslim world, Bukhara firmly consolidated the epithets "Kubbatul Islam" and "Gumbazi Islam", which in Arabic and Farsi means "Dome of Islam". The fact that the city was recognized as the capital of Islamic culture, again confirms the outstanding contribution of this city and its scientists to the development of Islamic civilization. Although the content of the article didn't meet the academic status, the editorial board decided to publish it, as the author had presented deepest respect to the Uzbek nation in it.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Abulfadl M. .
Name of reference
1 Abu-AbdullokhMukhammadibnIsmoilal-Bukhoriy, (2008).'SakhikhBukhoriyAl-jomias-sakhikh'.- Tashkent,Uzbek national encyclopedia 711p.
2 Abulfadl Mohsin Ebrahim (2010). 'Organ Transplantation, Euthanasia, Cloning And Animal Experimentation: An Islamic View'Unknown Binding, 136 pages
3 Published May 6th 2010 by Islamic Foundation
4 Abulfadl Mohsin Ebrahim (1990). 'Abortion, Birth Control, & Surrogate Parenting: An Islamic Perspective 'Paperback, 103 pagesPublished June 1st 1990 by American Trust Publications
5 Abulfadl Mohsin Ebrahim (2007). 'Muslim Marriage: The Prophetic Model, Stipulations, Contract & Guidance 'Paperback, 44 pages Published July 2007 by IQRA Publishers
6 Abulfadl Mohsin Ebrahim (1998). 'Organ Transplantation: Contemporary Islamic Legal and Ethical Perspectives' Paperback, 146 pages Published 1998 by A. S. Noordeen