In Europe in 1250-1500 special attention was paid to urban planning. The development of trade and growth in a production led to a change in the status of large cities. Handicraft guilds as associations of self-government began to spread as a way to improve the quality of life. Trade guilds were designed to organize trade, production, product quality, and its sale, security, credit, welfare and defense of the city primarily in the interests of traders, as well as other associations. Organized primarily to regulate the economy and labor of the guild, there were also a number of other issues related to values such as associative culture, tradition, community-oriented lifestyles, equality and brotherhood or solidarity within the community. Guilds were seen as a means of establishing courtesy and preventing violence in the city. From this point of view, they have become instruments in the development of civilization. The regular social meetings of the members of the guild, gave members a sense of identity, status, and feelings of participation and belonging to the active community. Craft guilds in the high and late Middle Ages became part of the economic and social urban infrastructure that helped build community and civil society. The French Revolution and Napoleon's arrival in Germany officially ended the guilds, but even after Napoleon in some cities the guilds preserved and continued the work of artisans in the cities. The rise of the craft guilds, the important interactions they encouraged among urban inhabitants, their operation, functions and influence on urban society are the subject of this essay
In Europe in 1250-1500 special attention was paid to urban planning. The development of trade and growth in a production led to a change in the status of large cities. Handicraft guilds as associations of self-government began to spread as a way to improve the quality of life. Trade guilds were designed to organize trade, production, product quality, and its sale, security, credit, welfare and defense of the city primarily in the interests of traders, as well as other associations. Organized primarily to regulate the economy and labor of the guild, there were also a number of other issues related to values such as associative culture, tradition, community-oriented lifestyles, equality and brotherhood or solidarity within the community. Guilds were seen as a means of establishing courtesy and preventing violence in the city. From this point of view, they have become instruments in the development of civilization. The regular social meetings of the members of the guild, gave members a sense of identity, status, and feelings of participation and belonging to the active community. Craft guilds in the high and late Middle Ages became part of the economic and social urban infrastructure that helped build community and civil society. The French Revolution and Napoleon's arrival in Germany officially ended the guilds, but even after Napoleon in some cities the guilds preserved and continued the work of artisans in the cities. The rise of the craft guilds, the important interactions they encouraged among urban inhabitants, their operation, functions and influence on urban society are the subject of this essay
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