The article discusses the importance and effective methods of aerochemical
treatment for weed control in agriculture. It also provides information on the experience of
foreign countries in the field and how much can be saved due to the correct application of
aerochemical processing technology. At present, information is provided on the types of
chemicals used in weeding the fields of winter wheat in the fields of the country, the
standards of use, duration and agro-climatic indicators in the plains. At the end of the article,
specific recommendations are given on the flight (working) height of the aircraft over the
field, the width of the mixture sprayed on the crop, and the wind speed in the field during
aerochemical treatment.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 07-09-2022
  • Read count 325
  • Date of publication 30-08-2022
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages27-32

The article discusses the importance and effective methods of aerochemical
treatment for weed control in agriculture. It also provides information on the experience of
foreign countries in the field and how much can be saved due to the correct application of
aerochemical processing technology. At present, information is provided on the types of
chemicals used in weeding the fields of winter wheat in the fields of the country, the
standards of use, duration and agro-climatic indicators in the plains. At the end of the article,
specific recommendations are given on the flight (working) height of the aircraft over the
field, the width of the mixture sprayed on the crop, and the wind speed in the field during
aerochemical treatment.

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