Composite materials samples have been obtained from cellulose and bazalt
fibers based on cellulose-containing plants. The properties of paper samples have been
studied: the amound of cellulose, the amound of ash, water absorption and breaking load.
Gained results show that the composite material with the addition of basalt fibers is more
durable. Half-finished cellulose fibers obtained from basalt, straw and wastepaper are more
prouse than ones obtained from cotton plant

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 07-09-2022
  • Read count 349
  • Date of publication 30-08-2022
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages33-39

Composite materials samples have been obtained from cellulose and bazalt
fibers based on cellulose-containing plants. The properties of paper samples have been
studied: the amound of cellulose, the amound of ash, water absorption and breaking load.
Gained results show that the composite material with the addition of basalt fibers is more
durable. Half-finished cellulose fibers obtained from basalt, straw and wastepaper are more
prouse than ones obtained from cotton plant

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Egamberdiev E.A. teacher TSTU
2 Rakhmonberdiev G.R. teacher TICHT
3 Makhkamov A.R. teacher TSTU
Name of reference
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