The region of the Charvak reservoir, the nature of which is the subject of
national pride of the Tashkent region, is practically involved in international tourism activities.
The Charvak reservoir is a recreation area for workers, serves as a supplier of agricultural
products and the only raw source of bismuth. Reservoirs are the main reservoir of drinking,
irrigation water, and a source of electrical energy. Gravitational processes and other types of
disturbances occurring on the slopes, bring not only material damage, but also human
casualties. Therefore, any changes, primarily in the relief, significantly destabilize the existing
landscape, and thereby lead to irreparable damage to the environment, unsuitable condition of
life providing buildings, structures and areas of farmland of the population in the research area.
The territory of the Charvak reservoir is characterized by a high level of seismic activity,
assessment of the stability of slopes due to seismic activity and the problem of ensuring the
safety of the population and the ecosystem is the most urgent task. In modern conditions, with
colossal industrialization and the most popular among tourists, the area of the Charvak
reservoir is actively being equipped with boarding houses and recreation areas. An increase in
population density, disruption in the functioning of natural ecosystems and anthropogenic
systems, in particular, environmental protection management, the impact of earthquakes on
the manifestation of geological and techno genic processes of the ecological crisis is becoming
increasingly significant.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 07-09-2022
  • Read count 297
  • Date of publication 30-08-2022
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages82-90

The region of the Charvak reservoir, the nature of which is the subject of
national pride of the Tashkent region, is practically involved in international tourism activities.
The Charvak reservoir is a recreation area for workers, serves as a supplier of agricultural
products and the only raw source of bismuth. Reservoirs are the main reservoir of drinking,
irrigation water, and a source of electrical energy. Gravitational processes and other types of
disturbances occurring on the slopes, bring not only material damage, but also human
casualties. Therefore, any changes, primarily in the relief, significantly destabilize the existing
landscape, and thereby lead to irreparable damage to the environment, unsuitable condition of
life providing buildings, structures and areas of farmland of the population in the research area.
The territory of the Charvak reservoir is characterized by a high level of seismic activity,
assessment of the stability of slopes due to seismic activity and the problem of ensuring the
safety of the population and the ecosystem is the most urgent task. In modern conditions, with
colossal industrialization and the most popular among tourists, the area of the Charvak
reservoir is actively being equipped with boarding houses and recreation areas. An increase in
population density, disruption in the functioning of natural ecosystems and anthropogenic
systems, in particular, environmental protection management, the impact of earthquakes on
the manifestation of geological and techno genic processes of the ecological crisis is becoming
increasingly significant.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Begimkulov D.K. teacher TSTU
2 Zakirov M.M. teacher Tajik Technical University
3 Ermatova Y.S. teacher TSTU
4 Khasanov N.M. teacher TSTU
5 Agzamova I.A. teacher TSTU
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