This article presents the research results of effect of the composite material
composition based on a thermos reactive binder using the Angren kaolin filler brand AKT-10.
The composition possibilities optimizing and the composite material properties are considered
for using in the lever brake system of railway transport using as modifying additives – soot
containing waste from the Uz-Kor Gas Chemical production enterprise. The mechanical
properties of composite materials were researched in order to use them for the manufacture of
the “bushing” part used in the suspension of brake lever transmission of the railcar side frame

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 08-09-2022
  • Read count 188
  • Date of publication 30-08-2022
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages179-183

This article presents the research results of effect of the composite material
composition based on a thermos reactive binder using the Angren kaolin filler brand AKT-10.
The composition possibilities optimizing and the composite material properties are considered
for using in the lever brake system of railway transport using as modifying additives – soot
containing waste from the Uz-Kor Gas Chemical production enterprise. The mechanical
properties of composite materials were researched in order to use them for the manufacture of
the “bushing” part used in the suspension of brake lever transmission of the railcar side frame

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