A new pilot-plant equipment of an inclined rotary furnace for the processing of fluoroammonium silicon-containing materials has been developed and manufactured, which allowed sublimation of ammonium hexafluorosilicate, formed as a result of fluorination of processed raw materials, in two sections, with autonomous control of temperature and movement of raw materials. It is shown that the use of the created equipment for the processing of copper-smelting slags of the Almalyk MMC using fluoride technology makes it possible to separate amorphous silicon dioxide in the form of a dispersed powder from slags, extract iron and obtain a collective concentrate of precious, non-ferrous and other metals. It is shown that the maximum temperature during the processing of copper slags according to the proposed technology is no more than 400°C, and the chemical reagent used is regenerated and returned to the beginning of the technological process. The main parameters and the operation principle of the new device, and as well particle size distribution and textural characteristics of amorphous silicon dioxide synthesized by this equipment are presented.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 04-11-2022
  • Read count 360
  • Date of publication 30-09-2022
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages37-45

A new pilot-plant equipment of an inclined rotary furnace for the processing of fluoroammonium silicon-containing materials has been developed and manufactured, which allowed sublimation of ammonium hexafluorosilicate, formed as a result of fluorination of processed raw materials, in two sections, with autonomous control of temperature and movement of raw materials. It is shown that the use of the created equipment for the processing of copper-smelting slags of the Almalyk MMC using fluoride technology makes it possible to separate amorphous silicon dioxide in the form of a dispersed powder from slags, extract iron and obtain a collective concentrate of precious, non-ferrous and other metals. It is shown that the maximum temperature during the processing of copper slags according to the proposed technology is no more than 400°C, and the chemical reagent used is regenerated and returned to the beginning of the technological process. The main parameters and the operation principle of the new device, and as well particle size distribution and textural characteristics of amorphous silicon dioxide synthesized by this equipment are presented.

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