This article is about the possibility of using the modular method of teaching in vocational education of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the example of the Australian educational system. Vocational education in Australia is similar to vocational education in Uzbekistan, continuous and multi-level. Professional education in Australia is built on a modular system that can be used for vocational education in our country. The article provides the structure of vocational education and training, a detailed description of the Australian educational system itself. The professional educational structure is multi-stage and consists of 6 levels, the passage of each of which is confirmed by the relevant document. To obtain a certificate of education of a certain level, it is necessary to master certain competencies. Certain competencies that students receive by teaching certain knowledge and skills contained in the training modules to ensure flexibility in the design and operation of curricula, training packages have been developed at the national level.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 05-11-2022
  • Read count 94
  • Date of publication 30-09-2022
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages131-135

This article is about the possibility of using the modular method of teaching in vocational education of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the example of the Australian educational system. Vocational education in Australia is similar to vocational education in Uzbekistan, continuous and multi-level. Professional education in Australia is built on a modular system that can be used for vocational education in our country. The article provides the structure of vocational education and training, a detailed description of the Australian educational system itself. The professional educational structure is multi-stage and consists of 6 levels, the passage of each of which is confirmed by the relevant document. To obtain a certificate of education of a certain level, it is necessary to master certain competencies. Certain competencies that students receive by teaching certain knowledge and skills contained in the training modules to ensure flexibility in the design and operation of curricula, training packages have been developed at the national level.

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