Overhead cranes are one of the main means of mechanization and automation of production operations, loading and unloading and warehouse operations. In some workshops of metallurgical and machine-building plants, overhead cranes are the main technological equipment. Their reliable operation determines the technical and economic performance of the enterprise. The electromechanical travel system of an overhead crane is a complex multi-mass elastically connected system controlled by a multi-motor electric drive, which is subject to a large number of force factors. The main trends in the development of the electric drive of overhead cranes are to increase the reliability of its operation and the range of speed control. Analysis of the operating conditions of the equipment, specification of the requirements for the electric drive of the movement mechanism of overhead cranes. An analysis of the technical literature showed that the main way to limit the dynamic loads of an electromechanical system is to increase the damping capacity of the electric drive by optimizing the static characteristics

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 07-11-2022
  • Read count 204
  • Date of publication 30-09-2022
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages163-169

Overhead cranes are one of the main means of mechanization and automation of production operations, loading and unloading and warehouse operations. In some workshops of metallurgical and machine-building plants, overhead cranes are the main technological equipment. Their reliable operation determines the technical and economic performance of the enterprise. The electromechanical travel system of an overhead crane is a complex multi-mass elastically connected system controlled by a multi-motor electric drive, which is subject to a large number of force factors. The main trends in the development of the electric drive of overhead cranes are to increase the reliability of its operation and the range of speed control. Analysis of the operating conditions of the equipment, specification of the requirements for the electric drive of the movement mechanism of overhead cranes. An analysis of the technical literature showed that the main way to limit the dynamic loads of an electromechanical system is to increase the damping capacity of the electric drive by optimizing the static characteristics

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Abidov K.G. teacher TSTU
2 Dadajanov K.S. teacher TSTU
3 Sabitov S.K. teacher TSTU
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