As a twentieth (20th) century pragmatist, Dewey was concerned about the dichotomy between theory and existential experience, and this led him to formulate his own concept of democracy as a breakaway from the traditional notions of democracy before his time. Democracy for Dewey is a social ideal, a system of values whose task is the creation of a freer and more humane experience in which all share and partici pate. Thus, this paper interrogates Dewey's democracy to show if really it is a workable idea that can help solve our existential problems: or if it is just a utopian concept that is good just for the paper. This is important because of the growing gap between the conceptualization and application of democratic principles in some African countries like Nigeria, where most of the features of democracy are absent.

  • Web Address
  • DOI10.26739/2181-9505-2019-1-4
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 13-11-2019
  • Read count 273
  • Date of publication 02-04-2019
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages42-54

As a twentieth (20th) century pragmatist, Dewey was concerned about the dichotomy between theory and existential experience, and this led him to formulate his own concept of democracy as a breakaway from the traditional notions of democracy before his time. Democracy for Dewey is a social ideal, a system of values whose task is the creation of a freer and more humane experience in which all share and partici pate. Thus, this paper interrogates Dewey's democracy to show if really it is a workable idea that can help solve our existential problems: or if it is just a utopian concept that is good just for the paper. This is important because of the growing gap between the conceptualization and application of democratic principles in some African countries like Nigeria, where most of the features of democracy are absent.


Как прагматик двадцатого (XX-ro) века, Дьюи был обеспокоен дихотомией между теорией и экзистенциальным опытом, и это заставило его сформулировать свою собственную концепцию демократии как отход от традиционных представлений о демократии до своего времени. Демократия для Дьюи - это сои.иальный идеал, система ценностей, задачей которой является создание более свободного и гуманного опыта, в котором все делятся и участвуют. Таким образом, эта статья опра0ивает демократию Дьюи, чтобы показать, действительно ли это осуществимая идея, которая может помочь ре0ить наши экзистенциальные проблемы или это просто утопическая кощепция, которая хоро0а только для этой статьи. Это важно из-за растущего разрыва между кощептуализацией и применением демократических принципов в некоторых африканских странах, таких как Нигерия, где большинство черт демократии отсутствуют.


Yigirmanchi (XX-asr) pragmatisti sifatida Dyui nazariya va ekzistentsial tajriba o'rtasidagi dixotomiya haqida tashvishlanar edi va bu uni demokratiyaning an'anaviy kontseptsiyasidan o'z davriga qadar demokratiya tushunchasini shakllantirishga majbur qildi. Dyui uchun demokratiya ijtimoiy ideal, qadriyatlar tizimi bo'lib, uning vazifasi har kim baham ko'radigan va ishtirok etadigan erkin va insonparvar tajribani yaratishdir. Shunday qilib, ushbu maqola Deweyning demokratiyasini so'roq qiladi, bu bizning mavjud muammolarimizni hal qilishga yordam beradigan mumkin bo'lgan fikrmi yoki yo'qmi? Yoki faqat ushbu maqola uchun yaxshi bo'lgan utopik tushunchami, yoki uning yo'qligini ko'rsatish uchun. Bu demokratiyaning ko'pgina xususiyatlariga ega bo'lmagan Nigeriya singari Afrika mamlakatlarida kontseptualizatsiya va demokratik printsi plarni qo'llash o'rtasidagi tafovut o'sib borayotganligi sababli muhimdir.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Solomon .. PhD Student in Social and Political Philosophy Department of Philosophy, Nnamdi Azikiwe University
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