Many natural food extracts contain biologically active substances, vitamins,
amino acids, carbohydrates, aromatic substances and mineral salts. Pigments are composed of
anthocyanins, carotenoids, chlorophyll and xanthophylls. Natural extracts are obtained mainly
from plant raw materials, secondary raw materials from vegetables and fruits. Natural solutions
are mainly obtained by extraction methods. Ethyl alcohol solution, water, vegetable oil, etc. are
used as extractants. In this study, a natural extract of Jerusalem artichoke was studied. The
physicochemical properties of the concentrate obtained from the Jerusalem artichoke plant were
studied. There are experimental statistical modeling methods in mathematical modeling. In this
case, the results of experiments obtained at this facility are used to create a mathematical model
of the technological process. Flow motion was studied for solution analysis. The importance of
studying flow motion is to determine the parameters that need to be considered in modeling.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 25-04-2023
  • Read count 240
  • Date of publication 20-04-2023
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages14-20

Many natural food extracts contain biologically active substances, vitamins,
amino acids, carbohydrates, aromatic substances and mineral salts. Pigments are composed of
anthocyanins, carotenoids, chlorophyll and xanthophylls. Natural extracts are obtained mainly
from plant raw materials, secondary raw materials from vegetables and fruits. Natural solutions
are mainly obtained by extraction methods. Ethyl alcohol solution, water, vegetable oil, etc. are
used as extractants. In this study, a natural extract of Jerusalem artichoke was studied. The
physicochemical properties of the concentrate obtained from the Jerusalem artichoke plant were
studied. There are experimental statistical modeling methods in mathematical modeling. In this
case, the results of experiments obtained at this facility are used to create a mathematical model
of the technological process. Flow motion was studied for solution analysis. The importance of
studying flow motion is to determine the parameters that need to be considered in modeling.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Usenov A.B. teacher TSTU
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