Cellulose is obtained from hemp stalks by the sodium method. The effect of
temperature, pressure and alkali solution concentration on the pulp production process has been
studied. The optimal conditions for obtaining cellulose from hemp stalks are determined. The
effect of hydrogen peroxide concentration and temperature on the bleaching of the obtained pulp
was studied.
Cellulose is obtained from hemp stalks by the sodium method. The effect of
temperature, pressure and alkali solution concentration on the pulp production process has been
studied. The optimal conditions for obtaining cellulose from hemp stalks are determined. The
effect of hydrogen peroxide concentration and temperature on the bleaching of the obtained pulp
was studied.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Mardonov A.K. | teacher | Toshkent chemical technological institute |
2 | Abdumavlyanova M.K. | teacher | Toshkent chemical technological institute |
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