The article proposes an automated intellectual control system for the
technological process of storing oilseeds based on fuzz−control. To solve the problem of
systematic change of process parameters, a modified Saati method used to construct belonging
functions, and belonging functions for controlled technological parameters of the microclimate,
disturbances and control actions of the control system are determined. To optimize the
description, the obtained belonging functions approximated in the symbolic mathematics

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 25-04-2023
  • Read count 181
  • Date of publication 20-04-2023
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages175-180

The article proposes an automated intellectual control system for the
technological process of storing oilseeds based on fuzz−control. To solve the problem of
systematic change of process parameters, a modified Saati method used to construct belonging
functions, and belonging functions for controlled technological parameters of the microclimate,
disturbances and control actions of the control system are determined. To optimize the
description, the obtained belonging functions approximated in the symbolic mathematics

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Kabulov N.A. researcher TSTU
2 Yusupbekov N.R. academic TSTU
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