Analyzing the physico-mechanical properties of wood-polymer composite
materials and studying their strength, it has been proven that the changes in the results mainly
depend on the wood filler in their composition. There is another important aspect of the scientific
researches and researches conducted in this direction, that the modes of production technology
of wood-composite materials and the fillers used in the composition are selected according to the
production environment and climate. In this regard, the effect of wood fillers on composite
properties is always systematically studied.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 26-04-2023
  • Read count 180
  • Date of publication 20-04-2023
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages208-213

Analyzing the physico-mechanical properties of wood-polymer composite
materials and studying their strength, it has been proven that the changes in the results mainly
depend on the wood filler in their composition. There is another important aspect of the scientific
researches and researches conducted in this direction, that the modes of production technology
of wood-composite materials and the fillers used in the composition are selected according to the
production environment and climate. In this regard, the effect of wood fillers on composite
properties is always systematically studied.

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