This article provides an overview and design features of lifting devices in quarries
and promising developments. Prospects of technological parameters and possible constructions
and technologies of their application are presented. Construction solutions focused on the
possibility of expanding the scope of application have been analyzed. A graph of the dependence
of the annual productivity on the transportation distance and the impact forces is presented..

  • Web Address
  • DOIISSN 2181-3442
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 27-04-2023
  • Read count 109
  • Date of publication 27-04-2023
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages21-27

This article provides an overview and design features of lifting devices in quarries
and promising developments. Prospects of technological parameters and possible constructions
and technologies of their application are presented. Construction solutions focused on the
possibility of expanding the scope of application have been analyzed. A graph of the dependence
of the annual productivity on the transportation distance and the impact forces is presented..

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