“Zakat” is one of the five Pillars of Islam and it is stated that it’s one of the main principles in Islamic finance. Its aim is to balance wealth distribution fairly among all state members, and it has a deep meaning for not only the one who is eligible to receive, but also the one who is eligible to perform it. “Zakat” is often interpreted as the almsgivings to the poor and the needy and as from the zakat payers’ perspective; it is the purification of their soul through helping the “needy” and a way of restraining one from greed. Using library-based research, this study investigated the colonial zakat institution of Malaysia in order to find changes that occurred in the zakat institution of Malaysia at that time. The main objectives of this study are to identify the main factors that motivated the colonialists to initiate the changes in the zakat institution in Malaysia as well as to describe the zakat institution and zakat practices during the colonial period in Malaysia. The main findings suggest that there were many changes, which occurred during that time. For instance, evidence indicates that due to the British influence the zakat institution became more centralised and well organised compared to the pre-colonial era.
“Zakat” is one of the five Pillars of Islam and it is stated that it’s one of the main principles in Islamic finance. Its aim is to balance wealth distribution fairly among all state members, and it has a deep meaning for not only the one who is eligible to receive, but also the one who is eligible to perform it. “Zakat” is often interpreted as the almsgivings to the poor and the needy and as from the zakat payers’ perspective; it is the purification of their soul through helping the “needy” and a way of restraining one from greed. Using library-based research, this study investigated the colonial zakat institution of Malaysia in order to find changes that occurred in the zakat institution of Malaysia at that time. The main objectives of this study are to identify the main factors that motivated the colonialists to initiate the changes in the zakat institution in Malaysia as well as to describe the zakat institution and zakat practices during the colonial period in Malaysia. The main findings suggest that there were many changes, which occurred during that time. For instance, evidence indicates that due to the British influence the zakat institution became more centralised and well organised compared to the pre-colonial era.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Ganiyev A.. | Doctor of philosophy PhD, Senior lecturer at the Department of the Islamic studies and ISESCO Chair for the study of Islamic Civilization | International Islamic Academy оf Uzbekistan |
№ | Name of reference |
1 | 1. Hooker V. M. (2003) Short History of Malaysia: linking east and west. Allen& Unwin. Queensland. Australia 2. Muhamad, A. A (1993) Zakat and Rural Development in Malaysia. Berita Publishing, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 3. Mizushima T. (1992) Malay Local Society in the PreColonial Period. Retrieved from www.l.u-tokyo.ac.jp 4. National Archive of Malaysia. (1957) Ref. No. 1957/0490377. Statements on Padi and Coconut taxes collected on D.C.C.L. land during 1910. Half of each amount to be sent to D.C.C.L., Kelantan. 357/1911 5. National Archive of Malaysia. (1957) Reference No. 1957/0490864. Official Memorandum. From British Adviser’s Office, Kelantan. To The managing Director, Duff Development Co., Ltd, Kuala Lebir. No. 106/1912 6. National Archive of Malaysia. (1957) Memorandum. Subject: British Adviser of Kelantan on the private rights and Zakat tax. No. 1605/1914 7. Nonini D. M. (1992) British Colonial Rule and the Resistance of the Malay Peasantry, 1900-1957. Yale University Southeast Asia Studies. Printed in New Haven, the USA 8. Rahman, A. A. (2007), ‘Pre-requisites for effective integration of zakat into mainstream Islamic financial system in Malaysia’ Islamic Economic Studies, Vol. 14, No. 1 & 2 9. Rahman A. A (2012) Zakat Institution in Malaysia: Problems and Issues. GJAT, Vol. 2, Issue 1. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 10. Resolution of 28th February 1880. Perak 11. Rubin P. A. (1974) Piracy, Paramountcy ad Protectorates. Peneribit Universiti Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 12. Sadka E. (1968). The protected Malay States (18741895). University of Malaysia press. Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia 13. Secretary of State. (1909) Tax levied on the padi Growers of the Krian District. Federated Malay States. Despatch No. 116 14. Selangor secretariat. (1949) Memorandum on central collection of Zakat and fitrah 15. Selangor Secretariat. (1950) Central Collection of the Zakat and Fitrah. No. 5 Sel. 122/49. See Letter of President Muslim Religious Affairs, Selangor. 16. Selangor Secretariat. (1952) Enactment No. 3 of 1952. State of Selangor. See article 107. 17. Selangor Secretariat (1953) Scheme for the collection of zakat padi for the season 1953-54 18. Steiner K., Lindsey T. (2012) Islam, Law and the State in Southeast Asia. Volume III: Malaysia and Brunei. I. B. Tauris & Co. Ltd London. 19. Yassin A. A (1957) Zakat: A Perspective on its Origins and Place in Malay Society. University of Malaysia, Singapore. 20. Yegar M. 1979) Islam and Islamic institutions in British Malaysia: policies and implementation. Magnes Press, Hebrew University, Jerusalem. |