In this work, the sorption, structural and hygienic properties of modified natural
leathers treated with polymer compositions based on nitrogen-containing compounds with haloids
were studied. It is shown that when natural leathers are treated with the developed polymer
composition, the sorption properties are improved, and the images of electron microscopic studies
also contribute to the emergence of more uniform dense structural elements, which contributes to
an increase in the sorption of water vapor and an increase in the specific pore volume. The
compaction of the leather structure during treatment with a polymer composition affects its
hygienic properties.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 11-09-2023
  • Read count 202
  • Date of publication 11-09-2023
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages5-11

In this work, the sorption, structural and hygienic properties of modified natural
leathers treated with polymer compositions based on nitrogen-containing compounds with haloids
were studied. It is shown that when natural leathers are treated with the developed polymer
composition, the sorption properties are improved, and the images of electron microscopic studies
also contribute to the emergence of more uniform dense structural elements, which contributes to
an increase in the sorption of water vapor and an increase in the specific pore volume. The
compaction of the leather structure during treatment with a polymer composition affects its
hygienic properties.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Ismailova R.M. researcher National Institute Art and design
2 Khaydarov I.N. teacher TSTU
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