An algorithm for improving the activities of customs authorities based on the use of
artificial intelligence technologies is considered. The issue of developing fundamentally new
approaches, technologies and means of customs operations through information systems and
information and communication technologies without the participation of customs officials, i.e. in
automatic mode. Based on the use of artificial intelligence technologies, automated mechanisms
and means of comparing the license plates of an international vehicle with the data specified in the
technical passports of vehicles during the customs control process have been developed. The
results of the analysis of the possibilities of artificial intelligence technologies in the practical
control of high-risk goods made it possible to identify areas of customs control where they can be

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 13-09-2023
  • Read count 155
  • Date of publication 11-09-2023
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages161-166

An algorithm for improving the activities of customs authorities based on the use of
artificial intelligence technologies is considered. The issue of developing fundamentally new
approaches, technologies and means of customs operations through information systems and
information and communication technologies without the participation of customs officials, i.e. in
automatic mode. Based on the use of artificial intelligence technologies, automated mechanisms
and means of comparing the license plates of an international vehicle with the data specified in the
technical passports of vehicles during the customs control process have been developed. The
results of the analysis of the possibilities of artificial intelligence technologies in the practical
control of high-risk goods made it possible to identify areas of customs control where they can be

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Khamroev G.R. researcher TSTU
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