Currently, only coarse wool is produced in the country, which is not used in the
textile industry. But it is also important to process raw wool at the required level and introduce it to
the textile industry. Local coarse wool is the subject of research. It is the subject of washing, bleaching,
dyeing, and studying the properties of coarse sheep's wool. The aim of the work is developing
technology for the preparation of local coarse wool fibers for spinning in the textile industry, to
remove impurities from coarse wool, to wash it, to decolorize it and to create the necessary conditions
for dyeing. It has been proven that they can be used in the textile industry by dyeing different colors.
The suitability of the processed wool fibers for using in the textile industry was demonstrated by
dyeing them with different grades of dyes in different colors and analyzing the color characteristics
of the samples.
Currently, only coarse wool is produced in the country, which is not used in the
textile industry. But it is also important to process raw wool at the required level and introduce it to
the textile industry. Local coarse wool is the subject of research. It is the subject of washing, bleaching,
dyeing, and studying the properties of coarse sheep's wool. The aim of the work is developing
technology for the preparation of local coarse wool fibers for spinning in the textile industry, to
remove impurities from coarse wool, to wash it, to decolorize it and to create the necessary conditions
for dyeing. It has been proven that they can be used in the textile industry by dyeing different colors.
The suitability of the processed wool fibers for using in the textile industry was demonstrated by
dyeing them with different grades of dyes in different colors and analyzing the color characteristics
of the samples.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | KARIMOVA S.R. | teacher | , Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute |
2 | YULDASHEV R.R. | teacher | , Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute |
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