In many industries, as well as in enterprises of textile clusters, there are losses
of technological raw materials, mainly cotton fiber and seeds are related to these technological
losses. In order to new scientific and technological innovation designs, and put into production. A
sharp increase in production volumes and economic efficiency is expected. Also, in this article,cotton ginning and spun yarn spinning enterprises; seeded cotton, seed and technical seeds, cases
of loss of cotton fibers were studied and measures to drastically reduce them were developed, real,
positive results were analyzed.
First of all, the transfer of clean and suitable fibers to cotton waste, such as cotton waste,
standard №3, standard №11, etc., was thoroughly analyzed, and the scientific and practical work
started in 2009 was carried out in 2019 under the title "Separation of spinable fibers from
industrial cotton waste". The creation of the device is completed. In the newly created device, the
test of fibers extracted from industrial cotton waste was conducted in the HVI (High Volume
Instruments) laboratory system of the USA based on the ISO international standard, and
conclusions were obtained regarding the suitability of the extracted fibers for complete spinning.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 26-12-2023
  • Read count 170
  • Date of publication 25-12-2023
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages20-26

In many industries, as well as in enterprises of textile clusters, there are losses
of technological raw materials, mainly cotton fiber and seeds are related to these technological
losses. In order to new scientific and technological innovation designs, and put into production. A
sharp increase in production volumes and economic efficiency is expected. Also, in this article,cotton ginning and spun yarn spinning enterprises; seeded cotton, seed and technical seeds, cases
of loss of cotton fibers were studied and measures to drastically reduce them were developed, real,
positive results were analyzed.
First of all, the transfer of clean and suitable fibers to cotton waste, such as cotton waste,
standard №3, standard №11, etc., was thoroughly analyzed, and the scientific and practical work
started in 2009 was carried out in 2019 under the title "Separation of spinable fibers from
industrial cotton waste". The creation of the device is completed. In the newly created device, the
test of fibers extracted from industrial cotton waste was conducted in the HVI (High Volume
Instruments) laboratory system of the USA based on the ISO international standard, and
conclusions were obtained regarding the suitability of the extracted fibers for complete spinning.

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