In this article, the most important raw material of the textile industry, cotton fiber,
can be obtained by crossbreeding wild and semi-wild species with varieties, and re crossing the
obtained hybrid plants with cultivated varieties. The scientific research works carried out by the
scientists of the world's textile industry on the research of selection varieties and the analysis of the
properties and characteristics of several cotton selection varieties are presented.
These fibers have been used for thousands of years to produce a variety of products, including
clothing, towels, and bed linens. There are different varieties of cotton, each with its own unique
properties and characteristics. Understanding the structure and properties of cotton fibers is critical,
as it helps in producing high-quality cotton products.Today, increasing the requirements for the
quality of cotton fiber, increasing the competitiveness of cotton fiber in the world market, modern and
technologically reliable and high-quality production of the textile industry, which is one of the most
urgent problems for cotton ginning enterprises, requires new techniques and requires special
attention to re-equipment with technologies.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 26-12-2023
  • Read count 158
  • Date of publication 25-12-2023
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages33-39

In this article, the most important raw material of the textile industry, cotton fiber,
can be obtained by crossbreeding wild and semi-wild species with varieties, and re crossing the
obtained hybrid plants with cultivated varieties. The scientific research works carried out by the
scientists of the world's textile industry on the research of selection varieties and the analysis of the
properties and characteristics of several cotton selection varieties are presented.
These fibers have been used for thousands of years to produce a variety of products, including
clothing, towels, and bed linens. There are different varieties of cotton, each with its own unique
properties and characteristics. Understanding the structure and properties of cotton fibers is critical,
as it helps in producing high-quality cotton products.Today, increasing the requirements for the
quality of cotton fiber, increasing the competitiveness of cotton fiber in the world market, modern and
technologically reliable and high-quality production of the textile industry, which is one of the most
urgent problems for cotton ginning enterprises, requires new techniques and requires special
attention to re-equipment with technologies.

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