This article presents an analysis of the loop that make up the terry strength of ring
pile fabrics. Based on the conducted research and analysis, the value of the total force separating
(pulling) a single ring of feather fabric from the fabric shearing system is conditionally equal to the
sum of 3 different types of forces, i.e. F1, F2, F3, and formulas for determining each of these forces are
proposed. In this case, F1 is the force to overcome the adhesion of warp and weft yarns as a result of
a certain shearing, F2 is the force to overcome the adhesion caused by the mutual pressure of the warp
and weft yarns located between the needle teeth installed on the loom, F3 is the specific shearing of
the warp and weft threads It is considered as a strength to overcome their adhesion due to mutual
coverage in the type. Also, a number of factors affecting the ring strength of the feather fabric were
studied, and the change of the ring strength due to the change in density in the fabric was theoretically
calculated and analyzed. At the same time, the influence of feather fabrics on ring strength due to
changing the type of shearing was analyzed.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 26-12-2023
  • Read count 86
  • Date of publication 25-12-2023
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages75-81

This article presents an analysis of the loop that make up the terry strength of ring
pile fabrics. Based on the conducted research and analysis, the value of the total force separating
(pulling) a single ring of feather fabric from the fabric shearing system is conditionally equal to the
sum of 3 different types of forces, i.e. F1, F2, F3, and formulas for determining each of these forces are
proposed. In this case, F1 is the force to overcome the adhesion of warp and weft yarns as a result of
a certain shearing, F2 is the force to overcome the adhesion caused by the mutual pressure of the warp
and weft yarns located between the needle teeth installed on the loom, F3 is the specific shearing of
the warp and weft threads It is considered as a strength to overcome their adhesion due to mutual
coverage in the type. Also, a number of factors affecting the ring strength of the feather fabric were
studied, and the change of the ring strength due to the change in density in the fabric was theoretically
calculated and analyzed. At the same time, the influence of feather fabrics on ring strength due to
changing the type of shearing was analyzed.

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