In this scientific article, taking into account that one of the main issues is to
ensure the quality indicators of yarns spun in pneumomechanical spinning machines in textile
light industrial enterprises, and to increase machine resource efficiency by using innovative
technologies, problems in production and theoretical approaches to them are considered. and
practical experiments consist of finding optimal solutions with the help of analyzes of scientific
developments. In pneumomechanical spinning, yarn breakage is reduced by giving an
additional twist to the spun yarn [4]. The article researches the assortment and technological
capabilities of pneumatic spinning machines of practical importance, based on their
shortcomings, a new construction thread twisting device was created, as a result of the
introduction of the new device into production, an increase in the performance of the
pneumatic spinning machine was achieved, factors affecting the quality of pneumatically spun
yarn control is explained by the fact that the movement of the yarn for the uniform distribution
of twists in the new improved yarn twisting device has been theoretically studied and proved
by the results of experiments [5].
In this scientific article, taking into account that one of the main issues is to
ensure the quality indicators of yarns spun in pneumomechanical spinning machines in textile
light industrial enterprises, and to increase machine resource efficiency by using innovative
technologies, problems in production and theoretical approaches to them are considered. and
practical experiments consist of finding optimal solutions with the help of analyzes of scientific
developments. In pneumomechanical spinning, yarn breakage is reduced by giving an
additional twist to the spun yarn [4]. The article researches the assortment and technological
capabilities of pneumatic spinning machines of practical importance, based on their
shortcomings, a new construction thread twisting device was created, as a result of the
introduction of the new device into production, an increase in the performance of the
pneumatic spinning machine was achieved, factors affecting the quality of pneumatically spun
yarn control is explained by the fact that the movement of the yarn for the uniform distribution
of twists in the new improved yarn twisting device has been theoretically studied and proved
by the results of experiments [5].
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | BOBOYEV A.U. | teacher | , Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute |
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