This study, in terms of modern requirements, to protect people from various
harmful effects of nature and various influences, to provide folk clothes, to study foreign regulatory
documents to determine the quality of textile fabrics, citizens. Production of scientific innovations and
methods to improve their life, permanent health, increase labor efficiency. In order to determine the level
of protection, which is very convenient for the use of new generation fabrics, in the process of applying the
properties of promising fabrics, tests were developed and active experiments were conducted based on
theoretical analyzes and existing standard methods were used. Light industry due to increasing the types
of clothes made of different compositions and woven fabrics, fully satisfying consumer demand, and
launching large-scale production of products with a high level of protection and ease of use. The evaluate
the process taking into account the hygroscopic properties and physical-mechanical properties of the fabric
when planning the improvement of the types of products.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 28-12-2023
  • Read count 81
  • Date of publication 25-12-2023
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages158-163

This study, in terms of modern requirements, to protect people from various
harmful effects of nature and various influences, to provide folk clothes, to study foreign regulatory
documents to determine the quality of textile fabrics, citizens. Production of scientific innovations and
methods to improve their life, permanent health, increase labor efficiency. In order to determine the level
of protection, which is very convenient for the use of new generation fabrics, in the process of applying the
properties of promising fabrics, tests were developed and active experiments were conducted based on
theoretical analyzes and existing standard methods were used. Light industry due to increasing the types
of clothes made of different compositions and woven fabrics, fully satisfying consumer demand, and
launching large-scale production of products with a high level of protection and ease of use. The evaluate
the process taking into account the hygroscopic properties and physical-mechanical properties of the fabric
when planning the improvement of the types of products.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 AKHMADJANOV S.B. teacher , Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute
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