This article analyses the choice and control methods of pumping equipment operated at in-situ leaching mines. The solution of the problem of energy saving depending on the methods of controlling the values forming the output power of the working machine is considered, since this method significantly affects the value of energy losses. Three ways of regulation of the pump unit are given: forced change of resistance of the main line through which the transported fluid is transferred, change of characteristics of the working machine and regulation of angular speed of the electric drive, and also schedules of regulation of pumps by throttling at constant speed and regulation of the pump by change of speed. Besides, methodical recommendations on operation of electric submersible pumps are given.

  • Web Address
  • DOIISSN:2181-3442
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 21-02-2024
  • Read count 68
  • Date of publication 20-02-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages15-24

This article analyses the choice and control methods of pumping equipment operated at in-situ leaching mines. The solution of the problem of energy saving depending on the methods of controlling the values forming the output power of the working machine is considered, since this method significantly affects the value of energy losses. Three ways of regulation of the pump unit are given: forced change of resistance of the main line through which the transported fluid is transferred, change of characteristics of the working machine and regulation of angular speed of the electric drive, and also schedules of regulation of pumps by throttling at constant speed and regulation of the pump by change of speed. Besides, methodical recommendations on operation of electric submersible pumps are given.

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