The article deals with issues before the extraction of iron and its oxidised compounds from utilisable steel-smelting slags. The primary attention is paid to solving social problems to improve the environmental situation around the metallurgical plant and increase its efficiency by extracting valuable components from industrial waste. A significant amount of iron remains in the waste slag after the separation of magnetic components, the concentration of which is comparable to the low-grade iron ores of Uzbekistan. Various methods have been studied for their isolation, and gravitational enrichment on a concentration table has been recognised as optimal.

  • Web Address
  • DOIISSN:2181-3442
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 21-02-2024
  • Read count 63
  • Date of publication 20-02-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages31-34

The article deals with issues before the extraction of iron and its oxidised compounds from utilisable steel-smelting slags. The primary attention is paid to solving social problems to improve the environmental situation around the metallurgical plant and increase its efficiency by extracting valuable components from industrial waste. A significant amount of iron remains in the waste slag after the separation of magnetic components, the concentration of which is comparable to the low-grade iron ores of Uzbekistan. Various methods have been studied for their isolation, and gravitational enrichment on a concentration table has been recognised as optimal.

Name of reference
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