Marketing is an integral element of the market economy and is one of the most modern and rapidly developing sectors of the economy. In today's complex world, we all need to understand marketing. Whether we're selling a car, looking for a job, raising money for a charity, or pitching an idea, we're marketing. We need to know what the market is, who works with it, how it works, what its needs are. Knowing how to market allows us to be smarter as consumers, whether it's buying toothpaste or buying a new car.

  • Read count 48
  • Date of publication 05-01-2024
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages153-157

Marketing is an integral element of the market economy and is one of the most modern and rapidly developing sectors of the economy. In today's complex world, we all need to understand marketing. Whether we're selling a car, looking for a job, raising money for a charity, or pitching an idea, we're marketing. We need to know what the market is, who works with it, how it works, what its needs are. Knowing how to market allows us to be smarter as consumers, whether it's buying toothpaste or buying a new car.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Askarova F.I. Part-time student Fergana State University, Department of Economics. Fergana, Uzbekistan.
Name of reference
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