The mechanical force generated by the body of shunting masters to perform various tasks in their work depends on the force generated by the shunting master’s muscles, speed of work, flexibility, dexterity and endurance of the main motion biocouplers. In the process of performing various tasks, when the train driver walks on foot, climbs on the special "pedestal" of the car, moves while standing on the "pedestal" and gets off it, puts on and takes off ladders, climbs and descends from the ladders of tank wagons, the weight, movement, movement, sliding, inertia of the body's bio-links. coordinates and values of forces change according to body position. Through the developed physical model of the physical condition of the shunting master, it was theoretically substantiated that the interaction of external and internal forces determining the mechanical strength in the listed types of activities, neuropsychological indicators,
movement qualities are criteria for assessing professional suitability.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 18-04-2024
  • Read count 17
  • Date of publication 30-06-2023
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages122-128

The mechanical force generated by the body of shunting masters to perform various tasks in their work depends on the force generated by the shunting master’s muscles, speed of work, flexibility, dexterity and endurance of the main motion biocouplers. In the process of performing various tasks, when the train driver walks on foot, climbs on the special "pedestal" of the car, moves while standing on the "pedestal" and gets off it, puts on and takes off ladders, climbs and descends from the ladders of tank wagons, the weight, movement, movement, sliding, inertia of the body's bio-links. coordinates and values of forces change according to body position. Through the developed physical model of the physical condition of the shunting master, it was theoretically substantiated that the interaction of external and internal forces determining the mechanical strength in the listed types of activities, neuropsychological indicators,
movement qualities are criteria for assessing professional suitability.


Механическая сила, создаваемая телом составителями поездов для выполнения различных задач в своей работе, зависит от силы, генерируемой мышцами составителем поездов, быстроты работы, гибкости, ловкости и выносливости основных движений биозвены. В процессе выполнения различных заданий, когда составитель поездов ходит пешком, забирается на специальную подножку вагона, передвигается стоя на подножке и спускается с него, перемещение, движение, скольжение, инерция биозвеньев тела. Координаты и значения сил изменяются в зависимости от положения тела. Посредством разработанной физической модели физического состояния составителя поездов теоретически обосновано, что взаимодействие внешних и внутренних сил, определяющих механическую силу в перечисленных видах деятельности, психологические показатели, двигательные качества являются критериями оценки профессиональной пригодности.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 TALIPOV M.M. Doctoral student Tashkent State Transport University
2 Sulaymanov S.. Professor Tashkent State Transport University
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