The article develops and analyzes a mathematical model based on a logical
flowchart of the methodology of public control in the management of occupational safety and
industrial risks and probability theory, according to the model, the results of compliance with the
requirements of social cooperation on occupational safety lead to a sharp increase in the probability
of reliability, management efficiency becomes higher. Analysis of the mathematical model of the
developed logical flowchart based on probability theory has shown that when the parties cooperate
to monitor the results of compliance with labor protection requirements, they lead to a sharp increase
in reliability and a high level of management efficiency, the right of every person to fair working
conditions is ensured.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 23-04-2024
  • Read count 4875
  • Date of publication 20-04-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages25-28

The article develops and analyzes a mathematical model based on a logical
flowchart of the methodology of public control in the management of occupational safety and
industrial risks and probability theory, according to the model, the results of compliance with the
requirements of social cooperation on occupational safety lead to a sharp increase in the probability
of reliability, management efficiency becomes higher. Analysis of the mathematical model of the
developed logical flowchart based on probability theory has shown that when the parties cooperate
to monitor the results of compliance with labor protection requirements, they lead to a sharp increase
in reliability and a high level of management efficiency, the right of every person to fair working
conditions is ensured.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Suleymanov S.S. Doctor of Technical Sciences Tashkent State Transport University, Tashkent city
2 Rasulev A.K. PhD, Associate Professor Tashkent State Technical University
3 Gaibnazarova N.B. Doctoral student (PhD) Tashkent State Transport University, Tashkent city
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