This article discusses the basic principles of building a system that includes a software diagnostic complex for diagnosing the on-board radio-electronic equipment of aircraft and helicopters. The importance of complex systems of electronic indication and signaling, what devices they include and the complexity of the functions they perform were mentioned. A system has been created that allows high-precision diagnostics of complex systems of electronic indication and signaling. It has also developed software-diagnostic complex of the system that include testing stands, other equipment. Made a comparison between the software-diagnostic complex and the control-testing apparatus. The methods of using the system, its effectiveness and advantages in the diagnosis of aircraft electronic devices were mentioned and discussed.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 11-05-2024
  • Read count 32
  • Date of publication 30-09-2023
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages98-103

This article discusses the basic principles of building a system that includes a software diagnostic complex for diagnosing the on-board radio-electronic equipment of aircraft and helicopters. The importance of complex systems of electronic indication and signaling, what devices they include and the complexity of the functions they perform were mentioned. A system has been created that allows high-precision diagnostics of complex systems of electronic indication and signaling. It has also developed software-diagnostic complex of the system that include testing stands, other equipment. Made a comparison between the software-diagnostic complex and the control-testing apparatus. The methods of using the system, its effectiveness and advantages in the diagnosis of aircraft electronic devices were mentioned and discussed.


В данной статье рассматриваются основные принципы построения системы, включающей в себя программно-диагностический комплекс для диагностики бортового радиоэлектронного оборудования самолетов и вертолетов. Упоминалось о важности сложных систем электронной индикации и сигнализации, о том, какие устройства в них входят и о сложности выполняемых ими функций. Создана система, позволяющая проводить высокоточную диагностику сложных систем электронной индикации и сигнализации. Также разработан программно-диагностический комплекс системы, включающий испытательные стенды, другое оборудование. Произведено сравнение программно-диагностического комплекса и контрольно-испытательного аппарата. Были отмечены и обсуждены методы использования системы, ее эффективность и преимущества в диагностике электронных устройств летательных аппаратов.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Abdujabarov N.. Katta o'qituvchi Tashkent State Transport University
2 Narimanov J.. Katta o'qituvchi Tashkent State Transport University
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