This article suggests ways to improve the antioxidant properties of hydraulic oils by using additives. Physico-chemical and operational properties of modern hydraulic fluids are significantly improved by the introduction of functional additives into them - antioxidant, anticorrosive, anti-wear. An increase in the antioxidant properties of hydraulic oils is achieved by introducing antioxidant additives. We conducted a study of samples of MG-32 industrial oils with the addition of zinc dithiophosphate DPZn-11 additives. To do this, the main indicators of MG-32 base oil were determined in accordance with GOST 305-2013 in laboratory conditions. Then preliminary experiments were carried out to determine the effectiveness of the additives. From the results of the analysis, we selected the content of DPZn-11 additives of 1.5%, which shows the optimal value of viscosity and flash point.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 13-05-2024
  • Read count 70
  • Date of publication 30-12-2023
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages147-152

This article suggests ways to improve the antioxidant properties of hydraulic oils by using additives. Physico-chemical and operational properties of modern hydraulic fluids are significantly improved by the introduction of functional additives into them - antioxidant, anticorrosive, anti-wear. An increase in the antioxidant properties of hydraulic oils is achieved by introducing antioxidant additives. We conducted a study of samples of MG-32 industrial oils with the addition of zinc dithiophosphate DPZn-11 additives. To do this, the main indicators of MG-32 base oil were determined in accordance with GOST 305-2013 in laboratory conditions. Then preliminary experiments were carried out to determine the effectiveness of the additives. From the results of the analysis, we selected the content of DPZn-11 additives of 1.5%, which shows the optimal value of viscosity and flash point.


В данной статье предложены способы улучшения антиоксидантных свойств гидравлических масел с помощью присадок. Физико-химические и эксплуатационные свойства современных гидравлических жидкостей существенно улучшаются за счет введения в них функциональных присадок – антиоксидантных, антикоррозионных, противоизносных. Повышение антиоксидантных свойств гидравлических масел достигается за счет введения антиоксидантных присадок. Нами проведено исследование образцов индустриальных масел МГ-32 с добавлением присадки дитиофосфата цинка ДПЦн-11. Для этого основные показатели базового масла МГ-32 были определены по ГОСТ 305-2013 в лабораторных условиях. Затем были проведены предварительные эксперименты по определению эффективности добавок. По результатам анализа выбрано содержание присадки ДПЗн-11 1,5%, которое показывает оптимальное значение вязкости и температуры вспышки.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Qurbonov A.. Katta o'qituvchi Tashkent State Transport University
2 Alimova Z.K. Katta o'qituvchi Tashkent State Transport University
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