Ushbu maqolada makroiqtisodiy tahlillarda qo’llaniladigan DSGE modelinig ta’rifi, uning strukturasi, foydalanish shartlari, hamda uning tenglamalari haqida tahlilimizni olib boramiz. Qo’shimcha ravishda, ushbu modelning boshqa modellardan farqi va uni o’rganishga hissa qo’shgan mualliflarning ushbu model bo’yicha fikrlari bilan ham ushbu maqola davomida tanishamiz.

  • Read count 104
  • Date of publication 31-08-2023
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages38-42

Ushbu maqolada makroiqtisodiy tahlillarda qo’llaniladigan DSGE modelinig ta’rifi, uning strukturasi, foydalanish shartlari, hamda uning tenglamalari haqida tahlilimizni olib boramiz. Qo’shimcha ravishda, ushbu modelning boshqa modellardan farqi va uni o’rganishga hissa qo’shgan mualliflarning ushbu model bo’yicha fikrlari bilan ham ushbu maqola davomida tanishamiz.


В этой статье мы проанализируем определение модели DSGE, используемой в макроэкономическом анализе, ее структуру, условия использования и ее уравнения. Кроме того, в этой статье мы познакомимся с отличиями этой модели от других моделей и мнениями авторов, внесших свой вклад в ее изучение


In this article, we will analyze the definition of the DSGE model used in macroeconomic analysis, its structure, conditions of use, and its equations. In addition, in this article we will get acquainted with the differences of this model from other models and the opinions of the authors who contributed to its study.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Rasulov J.S. --- Toshkent davlat iqtisodiyot universitet
Name of reference
1 Argia M. Sbordone, Andrea Tambalottii, Krishna Rao and Kieran Walsh. (2010), “Policy analysis using DSGE models: an introduction”, FRBNY Economic Policy Review., p 23-24.
2 Celso J. Costa Junior, Alejandro C. Garcia – Cindato., (2018) “Teaching DSGE models to undergraduates”, ScienceDirect., EconomiA 19 424-444
3 Juan D’Amico., from a series of video lessons on how to solve DSGE models.
4 Valdivia, Daney., (2015) “Handbook on DSGE models: some useful tips in modeling a DSGE models”., MPRA paper No.61654, posted January., page 5-7
5 Viktoria Hnatkovska. (2015), Lecture 2 Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models., Dehli., page – 2