№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Halmukhamedov A.S. | Professor | UP “Yulloiha expertise" |
2 | Omarov Z.A. | Doctoral student | Tashkent State Transport University |
№ | Name of reference |
1 | 1. Agapov M.M., Khazova V.I. Organization of transportation of heavy and oversized cargo on public roads of regional and intermunicipal importance // Transportnoe Delo Rossii.-2019.-#1.- P.122-124. |
2 | 2. Weber M. How Heavy Trucks Affect Roads in Russia (WIM-Weight-In Motion Systems on Russian Streets) // Transport Newsletter.-2013.-¹2.-P.42-44. |
3 | 3. Himalov I.R., Kozhukhovskaya L.Y. Increasing the safety of freight transportation using weight control systems // Technical regulation in transport construction.-2018.-#1(27).-P.95-98. |
4 | 4. Cargo Road Transportation: a textbook for universities / A.V. Velmozhin, V.A. Gudkov, L.B. Mirotin, A.V. Kulikov.-Moscow: Goryachaya Liniya-Telekom, 2006.-560p. |
5 | 5. Ershov A.M., VerbitskayaN.O., PetrovaA.V. Automated frames for weight control: Problems of use in cargo transportation processes // Forest Science in the implementation of the concept of the Ural engineering school: Socio-economic and environmental problems of the forest sector / Ural State Forest Engineering University.-Ekaterinburg,2019.-P.340-343. |
6 | 6. Konkin A.V. Elements of intelligent transport system on the territorial roads of the Novosibirsk region // CAD and GIS roads.- 2013.-#1.-P.76-80. |
7 | 7. Korotkikh Y.S. Introduction of "Platon" system in Russia and its impact on freight transport // Risk Management in the Agroindustrial Complex.-2016.-№2.-P.5-9. |
8 | 8. Linnik N.V., Alyanchikov V.N. Aspects of the introduction of automatic weight control system in the Russian Federation // Automobile transport of the Far East.-2016.-¹.-P.183-193. |
9 | 9. Parashina A.V. Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the subsystem for issuing permits automated system of weight control // Scientific Forum. Siberia.- 2016.-T.2,№3.-P.22. |
10 | 10. Rechitsky V.I. The concept of introducing an automatic system of weight and dimensions control of vehicles on the road network of the Russian Federation // Mir road.-2017.-#96.-P.62-67. |
11 | 11. System of road weight and dimensions control "SVK", passport / CJSC Weight-Measuring Company "TENZO-M".-2017.-21p. |
12 | 12. System of weight and overall dimensions control of the road "SVK", instruction manual / CJSC weighing company "TENZO-M".-2017.-28p. |
13 | 13. Khmelnitsky S.P. The transportation of oversized and heavy loads by road transport: Analysis of the regulatory framework // Bulletin of the NCBZhD. -2017.- №1(31).-С.66-79. |
14 | 14. Evtyukov, S.A. Investigation and examination of road accidents / S.A. Evtyukov, Y.V. Vasiliev. - St. Petersburg: LLC Publishing House DNA, 2012. - 288 с. |
15 | 15. Statistical analytical collection. Federal roads of Russia. Transport-performance qualities and road safety. -M. : Federal Road Agency. 2011. - 176 с. |