Ushbu maqolada islomiy moliyasi insturmentlari va loyihalarni islom moliyasi orqali moliyalashtirish hamda uning an’anaviy moliyalashtirish tizimidan farqlari va afzalliklari bayon qilingan hamda turli ilmiy ishlar o’rganib chiqilgan va tahlil qilingan. Ilmiy ishlarni o’rganish va tahlil qilish jarayonida xalqaro tajribalar o‘rganilib, loyihalarni islom insturmentlari orqali moliyalashtirishni yanada takomillashtirish yo’llari keltirib o’tilgan. Bunda ScienceDirect, Google Scholar va Researchgate doirasida amalga oshirilgan ilmiy ishlarndan mavzuga doir 54 ta maqola o’rganib qiligan hamda ulardan 24 tasi ushbu maqolada o’z aksini topgan.

  • Read count 74
  • Date of publication 31-01-2024
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages135-142

Ushbu maqolada islomiy moliyasi insturmentlari va loyihalarni islom moliyasi orqali moliyalashtirish hamda uning an’anaviy moliyalashtirish tizimidan farqlari va afzalliklari bayon qilingan hamda turli ilmiy ishlar o’rganib chiqilgan va tahlil qilingan. Ilmiy ishlarni o’rganish va tahlil qilish jarayonida xalqaro tajribalar o‘rganilib, loyihalarni islom insturmentlari orqali moliyalashtirishni yanada takomillashtirish yo’llari keltirib o’tilgan. Bunda ScienceDirect, Google Scholar va Researchgate doirasida amalga oshirilgan ilmiy ishlarndan mavzuga doir 54 ta maqola o’rganib qiligan hamda ulardan 24 tasi ushbu maqolada o’z aksini topgan.


В данной статье изучены и проанализированы различные научные работы, в которых описаны инструменты исламского финансирования и финансирование проектов посредством исламского финансирования, а также его отличия и преимущества от традиционной системы финансирования. В ходе изучения и анализа научных работ был изучен международный опыт и представлены пути дальнейшего улучшения финансирования проектов посредством исламских инструментов. При этом из научных работ, выполненных в рамках Science Direct, Google Scholar и Researchgate, было изучено 54 статьи по теме, из них 24 нашли отражение в данной статье.


This article has studied and analyzed various scientific works that describe the instruments of Islamic finance and project financing through Islamic finance, as well as its differences and advantages from the traditional financing system. During the study and analysis of scientific works, international experience was studied and ways to further improve the financing of projects through Islamic instruments were presented. At the same time, from the scientific works carried out within the framework of ScienceDirect, Google Scholar and Researchgate, 54 articles on the topic were studied, 24 of which were reflected in this article.

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