Abstract. Identifi cation of the strongest families in purebreds is highly eff ective in the selection of silk curti silkworms. To demonstrate a high level of heterosis within a breed or in crosses, it is possible to create several expensive, valuable families and obtain new highly productive systems with high genetic potential in terms of cocoon weight and silkiness.

  • Read count 75
  • Date of publication 19-08-2024
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages45-46

Аннотация. Выявление сильнейших семей у чистопородных высокоэффективно в селекции шелковой курти тутового шелкопряда. Для проявления высокого уровня гетерозиса внутри породы или в помесях можно создать несколько дорогостоящих, ценных семей и получить новые высокопродуктивные системы с высоким генетическим потенциалом по показателям массы кокона и шелковистости.



Abstract. Identifi cation of the strongest families in purebreds is highly eff ective in the selection of silk curti silkworms. To demonstrate a high level of heterosis within a breed or in crosses, it is possible to create several expensive, valuable families and obtain new highly productive systems with high genetic potential in terms of cocoon weight and silkiness.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Turgunboeva N.A. tayanch doktorant Ipakchilik ilmiy-tadqiqot instituti
Name of reference
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