№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Shaumarov S.S. | Professor | Tashkent State Transport University |
2 | Kandaxarov S.I. | dotsent | Tashkent State Transport University |
3 | Tirkashaliev A.. | Doctoral student | Tashkent State Transport University |
4 | Khasanbaev A.. | Doctoral student | Tashkent State Transport University |
№ | Name of reference |
1 | 1. Energy efficiency requirements in building codes, energy efficiency policies for new buildings. International Energy Agency. March 2008 |
2 | 2. Tirkashaliev A.O., Shaumarov S.S.The Different Types Of Structural Steel And Uses In Construction, Ресурсосберегающие технологии на транспорте, 2023. 578-580 P |
3 | 3. Faghihi, F., & Knobloch, M. (2022b). Global structural fire analysis of steel structures implementing hybrid fire simulation. 8th Symposium Structural Fire Engineering, 199–218. |
4 | 3. G Meschke, R Lackner, HA Mang An anisotropic elastoplastic‐damage model for plain concrete, International journal for numerical methods in engineering 42 (4), 703-727 |
5 | 4. MM Zhou, G Meschke A three‐phase thermo‐hydro‐mechanical finite element model for freezing soils, International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics … 2013/12/25, 3173- 3193. |
6 | 5. Shaumarov, S., Adilkhodjaev, A., Kondrazhenko, V. Experimental research of structural organization of heat-insulating structural building materials for energy efficient buildings. E3S Web of Conferences, 2019, 97, 02009 |
7 | 6. Adilkhodjaev, A., Makhamataliev, I., Tsoy, V., Shaumarov, S., Ruzmetov, F. Features of Forming the structure of cement concrete on second crushed stone from concrete scrap. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 2020, 29(5), str. 1901–1906 |
8 | 7. Shaumarov, S., Kandakhorov, S., Umarov, K. Development of the Optimal Composition of Aerated Concrete Materials on the Basis of Industrial Waste. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2022, 2432, 030087 |
9 | 8. Щипачева Е.В. Проектирование энергоэффективных зданий в сфере транспорта. Учебник. ТГТУ, – Т:, 2023. – 283 с. |