The article elucidates research into a prediction approach which is based on machine learning algorithms for selecting types of crops that can be planted for forthcoming seasons, in accordance with climatic conditions in agriculture of a certain region. The research investigated the main mathematical core, basic concept and hyper-parameters of the algorithms designed for creating an AI model, analyzed individual models using the dataset selected for the research, and retrieved required findings. The findings were compared with results of other algorithms based on a number of indicators including F1-score, Recall, Accuracy. While studying the classification algorithms, they were considered in terms of efficacy – as to what kind of problems the algorithms would be most effective for; and the article provided specific comments on this issue. The software was developed in the Python programming language in view to ensure clear visualization of the comparative analysis of the research findings. As well as, the results section contains graphical figure of each input/output attributes’ relationship.
The article elucidates research into a prediction approach which is based on machine learning algorithms for selecting types of crops that can be planted for forthcoming seasons, in accordance with climatic conditions in agriculture of a certain region. The research investigated the main mathematical core, basic concept and hyper-parameters of the algorithms designed for creating an AI model, analyzed individual models using the dataset selected for the research, and retrieved required findings. The findings were compared with results of other algorithms based on a number of indicators including F1-score, Recall, Accuracy. While studying the classification algorithms, they were considered in terms of efficacy – as to what kind of problems the algorithms would be most effective for; and the article provided specific comments on this issue. The software was developed in the Python programming language in view to ensure clear visualization of the comparative analysis of the research findings. As well as, the results section contains graphical figure of each input/output attributes’ relationship.
Ushbu maqolada qishloq xo‘jaligida hududlar va iqlim sharoitidan kelib chiqqan holda, keyingi mavsum uchun ekilishi mumkin bo‘lgan ekin turini tanlashda ko‘maklashuvchi tizim ishlab chiqish maqsadida mashinali o‘qitish algoritmlari asosida bashorat qilish yondashuvi bo‘yicha tadqiqot olib borilganligi va uning natijalari o‘z aksini topgan. Tadqiqot davomida sun’iy intellekt modelini yaratish algoritmlarining asosiy matematik mohiyati, asosiy tushunchasi va giperparametrlari o‘rganilib, tadqiqot uchun tanlangan ma’lumotlar to‘plamidan foydalangan holda, har bir model tahlil qilindi va kerakli natijalar olindi. Olingan natijalar F1-reyting, Recall, Accuracy kabi bir qator metrik ko‘rsatkichlar bo‘yicha boshqa algoritmlar natijalari bilan taqqoslandi. Tasniflash algoritmlarini o‘rganish jarayonida ushbu algoritmlarning qanday masalalar uchun eng samarali ekanligi ham ko‘rib chiqildi hamda maqolada bu yo‘nalishda aniq sharhlar keltirildi. Tadqiqot natijalarining taqqoslashlar tahlillari aniq vizualizatsiya bo‘lishi maqsadida Python dasturlash tilida dasturiy ta’minot ishlab chiqildi. Qolaversa, natijalar bo‘limida har bir kirish va chiqish atributi o‘rtasidagi bog‘liqlik grafik ko‘rinishida ifodalandi.
В данной статье отражены исследования подхода прогнозирования в сельском хозяйстве на основе алгоритмов машинного обучения для выбора вида посева на следующий сезон в разрезе регионов и соответствующих климатических условий, а также его результаты. В ходе исследования были изучены основная математическая сущность, базовая концепция и гиперпараметры алгоритмов создания модели искусственного интеллекта, каждая модель проанализирована с использованием выбранного для исследования набора данных, получены необходимые результаты. Полученные результаты сравнивались с результатами других алгоритмов на основе ряда показателей, таких как F1-score, Recall, Accuracy. В процессе изучения алгоритмов классификации также рассматривалось, для каких задач эти алгоритмы наиболее эффективны, и в статье даны конкретные комментарии по этому направлению. Программное обеспечение было разработано на языке программирования Python с целью обеспечения наглядной визуализации сравнительного анализа результатов исследования. В разделе результатов графически представлена связь между каждым входным и выходным атрибутом.
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2 | Xasanov D.R. | tayanch doktorant | Muhammad al-Xorazmiy nomidagi Toshkent axborot texnologiyalari universiteti “Axborot texnologiyalarining dasturiy ta’minoti” kafedras |
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