Bu maqola so‘nggi yillarda shiddat bilan rivojlanib kelayotgan Hindiston davlatining olib borayotgan tashqi siyosatining “Sharqqa nazar” yo‘nalishining o‘ziga xos xususiyatlariga bag‘ishlangan bo‘lib, mamlakatning nafaqat mintaqaviy, balki global maqomga daʼvogarlik qilayotganligini ochib beradi.
This article is devoted to pecularities of foreign policy of India – ‘Look East’, which has been progressing abruptly in recent years in the context of transformation of modern international relations, and it reveals that this country is striving not only for a regional, but also for a global status.
Bu maqola so‘nggi yillarda shiddat bilan rivojlanib kelayotgan Hindiston davlatining olib borayotgan tashqi siyosatining “Sharqqa nazar” yo‘nalishining o‘ziga xos xususiyatlariga bag‘ishlangan bo‘lib, mamlakatning nafaqat mintaqaviy, balki global maqomga daʼvogarlik qilayotganligini ochib beradi.
Статья посвящена своеобразных особенностям внешней политики индийского государства -
«Смотри на Восток», которая стремительно развивается в последние годы, и освещается о том, что страна претендует не только на региональный, но и на глобальный статус.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Tuylieva N.M. | Magistratura talabasi | Toshkent Davlat Sharqshunoslik Universiteti Toshkent, O‘zbekiston |
№ | Name of reference |
1 | 1. P.Chachavalpongpun Look East Meet Look West: India – South East Asia Evolving Relations // Foreign Policy Center Journal (FPCJ). 2011. №. 8. P. 48–71. |
2 | 2. Н.Б. Лебедева. Продвижение Индии в АТР: проблемы и перспективы Вестн. Моск. ун-та. Сер. 25. Международные отношения и мировая политика. 2012. № 3 |
3 | 2. Н.Б. Лебедева. Продвижение Индии в АТР: проблемы и перспективы Вестн. Моск. ун-та. Сер. 25. Международные отношения и мировая политика. 2012. № 3 |
4 | 4. Rehman I. Keeping the Dragon at Bay: Indias Counter-Containment of China in Asia // Asian Security. 2009. Vol. 5. № 2. P. 130-131. |
5 | 5. Dr. Kshetrimayum Ranjan Singh; Dr. Ch. Ghanajit Singh.Look East Policy: India's Motive and Opportunities & Threats Ahead. Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management Vol. 4, No. 11, November 2014, pp. 165-171. |
6 | 6. David Brewster. India as an Asia Pacific Power. 1st Edition Published October 7, 2013 by Routledge p 236. |