• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 11-12-2019
  • Read count 165
  • Date of publication 01-11-2017
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages43-48


Th article is based on most recent accomplishments,
conclusions and methods in World Islamic and historical
sciences. Th historical-comparative method was applied to
study the sources including various manuscripts of “Hanaf Law”
and many other sources writtn in Arabic that are available in
the Fund of Manuscripts of the Institute of Oriental Studies
under Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.



В статье с учётом новейших методологических
достижений в истории и источниковедении ислама на
основе историко-сравнительного метода исследуются
различные рукописные и другие арабоязычные источники
по ханафитскому праву, хранящиеся в Институте
востоковедения имени Абу Райхана Беруни Академии наук
Республики Узбекистан.


Мақолада ислом тарихи ва манбашунослиги бўйича
эришилган энг сўнгги методологик тажрибаларга, сўнгги
ютуқлар, хулосалар ва усулларга таянади. Мақолада
тарихий таққослаш усули орқали "Ҳанафий фиқҳи"га оид
турли қўлёзмалар ва араб тилида ёзилган бошқа манбалар,
жумладан, Шарқшунослик институтининг қўлёзмалар
фондида мавжуд бўлган манбаларни ўрганишга эътибор

Author name position Name of organisation
1 BEKMIRZAEV I.. Teacher of Academy of Arbitration courts
Name of reference
1 Schacht Joseph. Das kitаb aš-Šuf’a aus dem al-gаmi‘ al-Kabir fi- Šurut des Abu Ga’far Ahmad ibn Muhammad at-Tahаwi. Heidelberg: Carl Winter´s Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1930. – 58 p; The same author. Das kitаb adkаr al-huquq war-ruhun aus dem al-gаmi‘ al-Kabir fi-Šurut des Abu Ga’far Ahmad ibn Muhammad at-Tahаwi. Heidelberg: Carl Winter´s Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1927. – 38 p. Mahmud ibn Muzaffr ibn Mahmud Nishapuri. Arba‘in al-mustataba. – Istanbul: Bayazid library. – Manuscrip Mahmud ibn Muzaffr ibn Mahmud Nishapuri. Arba‘in al-mustataba. – Istanbul: Bayazid library. – Manuscript № 2672. – В. 24б. Wael B. Hallaq. The qаdi’s diwаn )sijill( before the Ottomans. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Vol. 61, No 3. )1998(. – P. 421. 8 Spanish researches whose life was studied by Spanish scholars Pedro Chalmeta and Fedrico Carriente have used a manuscripts of this work kept in the Fund of Manuscripts named after Miguel Asine in Madrid city (Instituto Miguel Asin de Madrid) under number №11, in the library of Rabat the capital of Marocco (Biblioteca de Rabat) under number №1671, №11590/1, №11590/2. See: Chalmeta P; Carriente F. Formularo notarial Hispano-Arabe (por elalfaqui y notario cordobes Ibn al-Attar(sX) Madrid: Academia Matritense del Notariado Instituto Hispano-Arabe De Cultura, 1983. – P. 26. 9 Spanish researcher Francisco Javier Aguirre Sadaba in the preparing this work for publication has relied on the manuscripts of the work kept in the Fund of the Academy of History )Academia de la Historia( under number №11 and in the National Library of Spain )Biblioteca Nacional( under number №5452. See: Ahmad B. Mugit al-Tulaytuli. Al-Muqni‘ f ‘ilm al-Šurut )formulario notarial(. ed. Francisco Javier Aguirre Sadaba. – Madrid, 1994. – 405 p )After. Ahmad B. Mugit al-Tulaytuli.(. 10 Ahmad B. Mugit al-Tulaytuli. – P. 45. 11 Ahmad B. Mugit al-Tulaytuli. – P. 47. 12 Ardabil province, its centre is Ardabil city )population 650 000, 92% Azerbaijanis( – is located in the north-west of modern Iran, in the borders of Iran with Azerbaijan. 13 Monika Gronke. Arabische und Persische Privaturkunden des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts aus Ardabil )Aserbeidschan(. – Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 1982. – P. 31. 14 See: Abu Ga‘far Tahawi. Shurut as-sagir. 2 volume / edited Ruhi Uzajan. – Baghdad: Matba‘а al-‘ani, 1974. – 823 p )This publication was prepared on the basis of manuscript № 212266 consists of two volumes which are kept in the Central Library of Mosul of Iraq(. 15 Michael. H. Thung.Written obligations from the 2nd \8th to the 4th\10th century. – Amsterdam: Amsterdam University press, 1997. – P. 35. 16 Abu Nasr Samarkandi. Rusum al-qudat / edited Muhammad Jasim Hadithi. – Baghdad: Dar al-hurriyya li-tiba‘а,1405/1985. – 450 p. 17 Husamuddin Sadr Shaheed. Sharh adab al-qadi li-l-Hassaf. 4 volume / edited Mahi Hilal Sarkhan. – Baghdad: Dar al-‘аrab, 1977-78. 18 These commentaries were written by following Faqihs: Abu Bakr Jassas )d. 370/980(, Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Abdullah Hinduvani )d. 362/973(, Abu Husayn Ahmad ibn Muhammad Quduri )d. 438/1046(, Ali ibn Husayn Sugdi )d. 461/1069(, Shams al-A`imma Muhammad ibn Ahmad Sarakhsi )d. 483/1090(, Shams al-A`imma Abdulaziz Ahmad Halvani )d. 456/1064(, Abu Bakr Muhammad Haharzada )d. 483/1090(, Husamuddin Sadr Shaheed )d. 536/1141(, Fakhruddin Hasan ibn Mansur Uzdzhandi Kazihan )d. 592/1196(. 19 The collection of names and terms relating to the various branches. 20 Григорьев А.П. Монгольская дипломатика XIV–XV вв. – Санкт-Петербург, 1998. – C. 22. 21 Burhanuddin Mahmud Bukhari. Muhit al-burhani fil-fihi an-nu‘mani. 9 volume / edited ‘Аbdulkareem Sami Djundi. − Beirut: Dar al-kutub аl- ‘ilmiyya, 1424/2004. – Vol. 9. – P. 417.