There are results of variety studies and two years variety trial of red cabbages in comparison with white under repeated culture. Experiments show that white samples exceed red on amount sheet, average mass of the head and productivities. It is revealed that from red cabbages varieties with leafy, shaping more large head of cabbage and productivity show Ranchero F1, W/n from China and Red Dynasty F1. These three samples recommended for the repeated culture. Unfit for this season Royal F1 and Romanov F1.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | RUSTAMOV B.A. | магистр | Ташкентский государственный аграрный университет |
№ | Name of reference |
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2 | 2. Зуев В.И., Мавлянова Р.Ф., Дусмуратова С.И., Буриев Х.Ч. Овощи - это пища и лекарство. – Ташкент: Навруз, 2016. - 216 с. |
3 | 3. Капустные растения (практический справочник). – Киев: Юнивест-Медиа, 2009. - С. 50-53. |