• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 12-12-2019
  • Read count 1119
  • Date of publication 12-12-2016
  • Main LanguageRus
  • Pages125-128

Белнинг пастки соҳасида сурункали носпецифик оғриги бор 98 нафар беморларга комплекс кўрик ўтказилди. Ностероид яллиғланишга қарши препаратларни В гуруҳ витаминлар билан бирлашган ҳолда фойдаланилса, ностероид яллиғланишга қарши препаратлар дозасини камайтиришга ва огриқ синдромини пасайишга олиб келади.


It was carried out a comprehensive survey of 98 patients with chronic non-specific pain in the lower back. It is shown that the combined use of anti-inflammatory drugs together with B vitamins can reduce the dose of NSAIDs to reduce the time and the reduction of pain.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Jurabekova A.T.
2 Beknazarov N.N.
3 Shmirina K.V.
4 Vyazikova N.F.
Name of reference
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