This article deals with theoretical value of organizing classroom management in education process focusing on the professional examples of research works of outstanding scholars who worked and investigated this field to prove the significance of the master’s dissertation theme.

  • Web Address
  • DOIhttp://dx.doi.org/10.26739/2181-9513-2019-1-13
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 14-12-2019
  • Read count 162
  • Date of publication 24-01-2019
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages67-70

This article deals with theoretical value of organizing classroom management in education process focusing on the professional examples of research works of outstanding scholars who worked and investigated this field to prove the significance of the master’s dissertation theme.


Ushbu maqola ta’lim jarayonida sinf boshqaruvining nazariy asoslariga bag‘ishlangan bo‘lib, asosiy e’tibor magistrlik dissertatsiyasi mavzusining muhimligini isbotlash uchun ushbu yo‘nalishda ishlagan va izlanish olib borgan buyuk olimlarning ilmiy ishlari namunalariga qaratilgan.


Данная статья посвящена теоретическим основам управления классом в учебном процессе, и основное внимание уделяется важности темы  магистерской диссертации и для подтверждения этого как образец даны научные работы выдающих ученых, работавших по данному направлению.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Madaminova G.. Andijan State University
Name of reference
1 1. Marzano, R. (2003). What Works in Schools: Translating Research Into Action. Virgina:ASCD Publications.
2 2.Marzano, R.J. & Marzano, J.S. (2003). The key to classroom management. Educational Leadership, 61(1), 6-18.
3 3.Marzano,R.J., Marzano, J.S. & Pickering, D.J. (2003). Classroom Management That Works. Retrieved June 14, 2010.
4 4. Evertson, C.M. & Weinstein, C.S. (2006) Classroom Management as a Field of Inquiry, in C.M. Evertson & C.S. Weinstein (Eds) Handbook of Classroom Management: research, practice, and competence issues, pp. 3-15. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
5 5. Hattie, J. (2009) Visible Learning. A Synthesis of over 800 Meta-analyses Relating to Achievement. Abingdon: Routledge.
6 6. Elias, M. J., & Schwab, Y. (2006). From compliance to responsibility: Social and Emotional Learning and classroom management. In: C. M. Evertson & C. S. Weinstein (Eds.), Handbook of classroom management. Research, practice, and contemporary issues (pp. 309-341). New York / London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
7 7. Brophy, J. (2006). History of Research on Classroom Management. In C. M. Evertson & C. S. Weinstein (Eds.), Handbook of classroom management. Research, practice, and contemporary issues (pp.17-43). Malwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.